
ADX Grants Al Ramz Short Term Margin Trading License
2020-04-22Abu Dhabi, 22nd April 2020: Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX), granted Al Ramz
PJSC, a leading financial institution in the UAE, short-term margin license thus becoming
one of the first financial institutions in the UAE to offer this offering to its customers.
The granting of the short-term margin license to Al Ramz clearly demonstrates ADX’s
commitment to develop business growth opportunities. In its role as a leading regional
Exchange, ADX is keen to enhance its ongoing constructive working relationships with
the leading regional financial institutions in support of the guiding principles of its triplepillared “Shape the 20s” strategy: being responsive, transformative and innovative.
Responsive refers to constantly enhancing customer engagement; transformative to
facilitating investments that sustain long-term sustainable business development; and
innovative is about achieving the most efficient ways to reach new levels of customers’
satisfaction. The trading license granted to Al Ramz shows ADX’s commitment to reach
its objectives with the efficiency its expertise commands.
H.E. Khalifa Al Mansouri, Chief Executive of Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange
Company (ADX), said: “By granting short-term margin licenses to active investment
companies in the region, ADX provides its business partners with the opportunity to
enlarge the spectrum of investment offering proposed to their clients. Such initiatives
maintain and reinforce ADX’s competitive edge as the licenses will create long-term value to stakeholders while upholding the highest standards of services”.
H.E. Al Mansouri added: “We recognize the challenging times the markets are currently
facing. To address investors’ concerns, answer their immediate needs and provide the
highest support, ADX is introducing new products and services in support of the stimulus
measures unveiled by the government to cushion the economic impact of the transition
period we are experiencing”.
Mohammad Al Mortada Al Dandashi, Managing Director of Al Ramz PJSC, said: “We
are delighted to expand our collaboration with ADX and extend our investment offering
to our customers. This achievement is a testament to our continued commitment to
provide the highest standards of services by expanding our offering and enabling our
customers to fulfill their investment objectives.”
Mr. Al Dandashi added: “this license allows Al Ramz to provide high leverage, up to
five times the initial placed margin amount, to its customers to buy ADX listed securities
for a specific short period”.
The initiatives advance ADX’s status as one of the most active Exchange in the MENA
region. They reflect its highest standards of practice in financial services and consolidate
its product and service offerings in alignment with those of key international Exchanges.
ADX demonstrates that the Exchange is keen to open investment opportunities that
enhance the market attractiveness and support its forward-looking vision. Recent
internationally world-class performances exemplify ADX’s constant focus on accelerating
the implementation of its customer-centric strategy designed to anticipate and serve the
market evolving needs.
Release Details
08 May, 2024
Abu Dhabi